Where do we start? It's been quite a journey...

We have both been involved in the fitness industry for decades; we find passion in helping other people succeed in life, in and out of the gym. There is nothing better than seeing other people improve or succeed, even when you see it and they don't yet have the confidence to see it themselves. We love working with young athletes that have a passion to excel in their sport, and showing them how to take their sport to the next level, through work off the field/court/etc and in the gym.

We started making apparel and selling it within the gym community; Driven Strength and Conditioning, a CrossFit affiliate. The demand from visitors to the gym gradually grew to outside the gym and other parts of the country. An organic demand began to develop. However, running the gym, kids and our personal fitness goals kept this demand in the shadows. After a while, it seemed as though if we waited forever, there would be no perfect time. So we decided to jump in and see what can come of our big vision!

In a brainstorming session at our local coffee shop we began to discuss a greater opportunity; aDRIVENlife. We didn't want to create a t-shirt; we want to create a purpose, a reason, a goal, a life motto. The logo was sketched on a spiral notebook...which is the actual handwritten cursive used in the logo today. Our goal in developing this newly defined brand was to expand outside of our gym network, because people are called to do so many things in so many different ways in this world. We want to know what aDRIVENlife means to other people; we want to see aDRIVENlife in action.

At the same time, a few trusted advisers had politely told us that our social media presence 'sucked'. It did. People ask us for advise daily; where do we workout, what do we do, what do we eat, what supplements do we take. So, we decided to reach outside of our comfort zone and began aDRIVENlife Instagram account. And...we still sucked. Neither of us love social media (more on that to come in future blogs), we aren't models, not professional photographers...but we began to try, and continue to. We are a work in progress, but our bigger purpose is our motivation and what drives us to improve!

But...this wasn't enough, for us. One day, Dusty had an idea. Why don't we use this platform as a catalyst to share other people's stories of a DRIVEN life? Find other people that we can learn from and share their story. We both were so excited by the idea, sat down and wrote questions, brainstormed people, and are so excited to launch our first aDRIVENlife Story. We hope you'll all enjoy it as much as we do, because we will be thrilled to 'publish' each and every story!

Live aDRIVENlife day to day.
Share the inspirational stories of others living aDRIVENlife.
Make aDRIVENlife an action and a purpose to guide others.
